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Wing Yuen


疫情中要搵oversea pre-wedding真係唔容易。當知道香港放寬防疫政策,終於可以出發日本真係非常開心。 即時上網搵日本婚攝資料。


真心有好多比較大型既日本local pre-wedding 服務都比較一般有啲攝影師風格比較大路,有啲只有email聯絡,未能提供what’s app即時聯絡方式 (萬一我到咗有咩意外要改期點算)有啲仲每件和服都不停加錢。正當想放棄時咁啱係IG見到友光既post。好彩嘅係原來友光係馬來西亞人所以中文溝通無難道。佢不但回覆好快(通常即日回覆)仲會開group介紹埋MUA Ryo。俾好多化妝&租和服既意見俾我哋。


當然啦始終隔山買嘢 我哋開頭都會擔心得個IG page 會唔會係假既。但係友光好有耐性 回覆我哋3日唔埋2日既詢問 仲要只需俾少少deposit lock 拍攝日期 令我哋信心level up!


真心從來都無試過花時間寫review 但佢哋既service 值得我分享俾其他苦惱點選既香港人。(過來人先明overseas pre-wedding真係有幾煩、幾多野要預備)


To conclude 以下為重點懶人包。點解我覺得友光值得推介:


首先當然係我哋都好like友光shooting style, 既自然但又突出到日本唔同地方既signature (因為佢地係當地人,點都比較易搵到捐窿捐罅嘅特別地方)


出發日本之前會根據我哋喜好俾好多references 我地選擇地點。最正既係就算我地選擇東京以外既地方,若果佢有期佢都願意就客去大家喜愛既地方。唔似啲大公司set 死幾個大熱地點,無咩自由度(當然太遠地方加幾錢traveling 我唔知haha ) 


拍攝前1-2星期俾Draft schedule 我地睇下行程上有無問題




拍攝當日去新宿御苑,佢真係好熟現場。我記得果朝好凍佢都好快就ready 埋位拍攝。影嘅途中都有俾preview 我哋睇吓影成點。




重點來啦,由於我地等開關遲咗影pre-wedding,11月尾影,1月頭big day 就要用。所以友光都好幫手趕工12月尾幫我哋執好相,趕得切印好本靚靚「日本製」相簿俾我哋,我老公對於MIJ 好有堅持。


可能有人會以為係打手。 但以上確實真心既user experience 有搵過友光影相既都應該有同感。



第一次旅拍好開心揾左Daniel。 Daniel係一位好有心同專業嘅攝影師。我哋對河口湖唔熟悉,Daniel推薦我哋去附近嘅神社同街道影多啲唔同嘅風景。就算喺平常嘅地方都影得好有感覺。特別鍾意構圖,取景同光暗,每個客人嘅相都有自己嘅風格。仲要多謝Daniel 拍攝期間提我整理頭髮。出嚟每張相都美美的。好幸運今次旅程可以見到富士山,亦好開心可以影低一輯相留念。期待下次都東京再揾Daniel!

Julian Cook

United States

Amazing photographer, very accommodating and made for a wonderful experience during the shoot. Would recommend!



We were blessed to have been recommended Yewkong for our Disney shoot, as we had planned to have the shoot in the height of summer and the japan school holiday. This meant heat and crowds, which most photographers would have turned us away.

Yewkong was not only enthusiastic but also recommended us the best days to shoot or avoid due to his expertise in Disney shoots. He was friendly and professional and even helpful prior to the photography session, giving us suggestions on the outfits/props we should prepare. 

We also had tons of fun during the shoot (as evidently captured in the photos). His infectious positive energy kept us going despite the heat and the crowds. His cues were very helpful and also helped us feel comfortable during the shoot. 

Yewkong’s photography resonated with us a lot in terms of artistry and he has a great eye for unassuming backgrounds. We got the photos about 10 days after and are very pleased with the result. We are impressed with how he had managed to make Disneysea look super empty and we absolutely love all the photos! We might probably print every single one for keepsake.

We would definitely recommend him to anyone heading down to shoot in Tokyo, and especially Disney. Thanks Yewkong for the photoshoot! Hope we will get to do another one with you in the future

Heather Jane Phua


Daniel shot our surprise proposal at Disneyland in Tokyo and we are left speechless by the quality of the pictures and the emotion he managed to capture in them!


Drawing from his wealth of experience as a professional photographer, our session with him was efficient and beautifully shot. Despite us being rather shy in the beginning, Daniel's friendly demeanor eased us in and helped put our fears and awkwardness at bay.


He was patient and gentle in his direction of various poses, which we appreciate very much. If you want emotionally rich pictures and need a photographer who can speak various languages, Daniel is the man!


Thank you, Daniel, for capturing memories for us that will last a lifetime :)

佐藤 温


とても丁寧で大満足です! 撮影に慣れていない私にも、リラックスさせて素敵な写真を撮ってくださりました。私は楽器との宣材写真をお願いしましたが、そのような機会以外の記念日などの時も、ぜひまたお願いしたいと思っています! 日本語もとてもお上手で、楽しい時間を過ごすことができました!




Maico Yamazaki



Sumomo Li


非常謝謝攝影師友光。為我們留下美好的回憶。熟知景點+拍攝順暢+好會逗小孩。一個小時左右完成的喲!當天照片就已經非常美~ 沒想到隔天又以驚人的速度。調好光讓我們下載了。真的優質得很可怕。超級推薦大家來東京找友光!!

Melo Lin


It’s such an amazing experience to have Yewkong as our photographer. He is a very caring person who helps us to find the best photo angle also know how to give us the direction to show our expression in front of the camera. Definitely recommend Yewkong as everyone’s photographer while having the trip in Japan or any memorable family photo.


Special thanks to Yewkong for helping us to have such beautiful pictures in Tokyo. Thank you!!!



謝謝攝影師Daniel 幫我們拍了一組很棒的照片。在拍攝的過程當中都不會讓我們感覺到尷尬和緊張。 原本在拍攝前總是會很緊張,畢竟也不是很會擺pose的。但Daniel卻可以讓我們是在放鬆的心情下幫我們捕捉到最自然的那一瞬間。而且也非常會抓角度,非常會取景。這次的合作特別愉快。很感謝! 如果大家來日本旅行時或和朋友家人們想拍照 紀念 真心非常推薦!!

Yun Hsuan Li


之前也有幾次外拍的經驗,我覺得友光攝影師真的很值得推薦給大家! 原因是:




2.能拍出自然又有架構性的動態圖像。 我以前就很嚮往邊動作,攝影師幫我補捉動態瞬間的照片,但是不是每位攝影師都有這種技巧。也多虧友光攝影師是專業的人像攝影,不會讓模特兒笑容或姿勢都擺到僵了才按快門。


3.如果我不會擺pose怎麼辦? 這點也不用擔心,攝影師會引導妳,給的指示也很簡單易懂。 所以就算是初心者也能拍出美照!


4.有效率地在短時間內拍出不同風格的照片。 拍照都是需要隨著太陽光線或是地點,調整光圈或是iso等的設定,以及更換鏡頭。 我遇過換一個地點就要調整相機設定很久的攝影師,調整到同一個pose都不知道擺了幾次,還是沒拍出要的感覺。 或是一整天拍下來都是同種感覺。


但是友光攝影師調整鏡頭設定不僅快速,拍出來的照片還有多種風格,是真的值得付費的專業攝影師。 不管你是一個人或是跟朋友、家族,想在日本留下自然又有構圖性的照片的話,找友光攝影師絕對不會失望!

Han Wen Chen


很開心能有這次合作的機會!走了很多地方,也拍了很多不同的照片。 這次的照片在友光的細心指導下才能有這些好看的照片。 歡迎大家來日本玩找友光拍攝喔!

Wong Miho


攝影師本人非常好相處,不會讓人感到拍照是件有壓力的事情。還會一邊指導如何擺姿勢,隨時告訴你頭髮需不需要調整。 而且他還會介紹淺草最好看的浴衣租借店,完全不會跟別人「撞衫」喔!



我是超級不會被拍照 表情僵硬又尷尬的那種人 因為不知道自己現在是怎樣的表情所以感到不安 但友光會引導姿勢表情跟補助自然的那一瞬間 拍攝時的氣氛也是輕鬆 沒什麼壓力 重點是我完全沒有拍攝當中跟拍攝結束我都完全沒有去確認照片(你想確認他也會給你看) 出圖之後覺得比想像中好看很多(因為我對自己的表情跟臉超沒信心) 態度很好 出圖也很快 調色也很美 要活潑或唯美都可以拍 想找專業攝影師拍照留個紀念真心推薦



Daniel Cai

United States

If you're looking for a local photographer from Japan who has excellent crafts and skills as well as having an unique style & touches, then you've found the right photographer here. Daniel is an amazing photographer!


We are an oversea couple, and we went on a vacation/honeymoon in Tokyo during the cherry blossom blooming season. We've done some homework beforehead because we don't know the city well enough, so we kept on searching. We want someone who truly knows where the best views are as well as some hidden places that only a true local knows. And then finally we found Daniel, and he did not dissappoint.


He took us to some of the most beautiful places in Tokyo that we've never been to before, and there he took some of the most mesmerizing photos that we've always dream of. And on top of that, he's sincere, honest, and most importantly he listens to your opinion and applies his opinion to cater to your needs. He understands multiple languages, and his editing skills are both unique and on point. Lastly, he always finish his work in a timely matter.


We will definitely go back Japan and look for him in the future to help us take even more amazing photos. And maybe we can even have a nice drink together as well because he's such a nice person, and we've became friends since.

Tracy & Kit

Hong Kong

What's this item about? What makes it interesting? Write a catchy description to grab your audience's attention...The first photo we saw taken by Daniel was from instagram, and we immediately knew he is the photographer we looking for pre-wedding. The style of his photo is very clean, precise, and touch people soul. The planning stage is very smooth. He is patient to answer our question and arranged a phone call to us make things clear. And at that time i realise he can speak cantonese which helps a lot that we can speak in mother language. He helped a lot to make us feel comfortable on the day of shooting. He also good to find the great spot in Tokyo which a normal tourist wont able to reach. From the beginning to the day i received the photo, i was very satisfied for his professional, cheerful and helpful personality. I would recommend him to everyone.

Becks & Barney

London, UK

My husband and I booked Daniel for our wedding day in Japan. We had a vision in mind and Daniel really delivered on this, he made the day really easy by guiding us away from the crowds so he could capture intimate and romantic shots. He is very kind natured and a pleasure to work with he immediately put us at ease and also bought along Tommy who filmed the shoot. Looking through the photos made us both so happy and I am absolutely thrilled with the results. The video Tommy shot was so fun and an unexpected wonderful addition to what we had asked from Daniel. We couldn't recommend them both enough! Thank you, Daniel and Tommy we had a perfect wedding day, in no small part thanks to you. 

Pei Wen & Adrian


It was a really last minute plan to have our pre- wedding casual photo shoot taken in Tokyo and we were lucky to have stumbled upon Yew Kong’s work. His photography style is what we are looking for! He was responsive, friendly, professional and helpful even prior to the photography session. He gave us suggestions on the outfit we should prepare for the season as well as places we could go for the photo shoot. We really had fun during the photo shoot and wish we could have more! Photos were received a few days after and it was amazing! We could look at the photos all day! We would definitely recommend him to our friends who are doing their photo shoot in Japan! Thank you Yew Kong!

Sarah S


We had an amazing shoot with Daniel at Tokyo Disney Sea! Daniel has an amazing eye for choosing backdrops and he's also a perfectionist when it comes to placing the couple in the perfect pose. Daniel had not shot at Tokyo Disney Sea before but I would have never been able to tell because he adapts to new places very well. Our photos turned out great and we received them within a couple days. I would recommend without hesitation and it's also great that he speaks several languages.

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謝謝友光先生 拍出有溫度的照片、人有耐心又專業、交件也很快速,拍攝前原本擔心沒什麼經驗會不自然,結果出乎預期的好,採景採光都拿捏的非常好,希望之後有任何想要留念的機會都可以再請到友光先生幫忙拍攝!

Stella Goh

Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur

Photo is an important element in a travel. Photos taken by YewKong’s weren’t all looked “standardized”. He is very professional and you won’t feel awkward during photo shooting. He is great in choosing spots and angles for the photo shooting. The outcome of the photo is GREAT as we looked like the highlight in the photos. THANK YOU YEW KONG!!! We love the photos!!



Daniel did an incredible job shooting my wedding. My husband and I were limited in the photographers we felt comfortable hiring, due to our limited ability to speak Japanese. Daniel was easy to communicate with and his work was beautiful. He was professional and had a great eye for angles and lighting. He composed shots that used all the natural beauty of our setting and made everyone present look their best, too. He charmed everyone with his friendly, easy-going personality. I would recommend his services to anyone getting married around Tokyo.

Melody Zhou



Liew Weng Hung


Daniel, is a professional and friendly photographer! And he is responsive in communication too. Importantly, the photos are beautiful; he has the ability to get candid and natural smiles! You get what you see from his archive.

Elyne Shee


I'm very fortunate to have chosen Daniel as our photographer. We meet Daniel at agreed spot in Asakusa and had a great time in the traditional hidden spots there. Just days later, he text me that my photos are ready for download. I’m so grateful now we have photos for our wedding night. He captured a lot of the shots we wanted. He’s very responsive in our communication prior to actual day meeting too. Will definitely recommend his work to my friends.

Jonn Voon


My wife and I planned to have our wedding photoshoot taken in Japan. It will be both our first time in Tokyo, Japan so we search online and we came across Yew Kong Photography as well as many others. What made him stood out is because we saw through his port folio and we knew he was the one we were looking for. Yew Kong is able to capture many special moments with a little mischief added here and there in his photography. No doubt his work is first class as well as his crew members. Our favorites has got to be the Kimono shots, hands down. My wife and I highly recommend that the Kimono shoot is a must do, you wouldn't regret it for sure.

Roshni Patel

Los Angeles, USA

This review is long overdue, wedding planning + work took over. I came across Daniel's work on google and was looking for an engagement photographer while my fiancé and I were in Tokyo during Sakura Season. Daniel knocked it out of the park, my fiancé and I are absolutely in love with our engagement photos and can’t wait to use them for our save the date/the rest of our life! Daniel knew all the best spots at Shinjuku Gyoen and best part is he always provided direction for us, which was so helpful especially for my fiancé. Thanks Daniel, you truly made our dreams come true!

Shu Wen & JY


Japan is a special place to us and we were looking for a local photographer who could capture moments that were more than just beautiful sceneries. When we saw Yew Kong’s work on instagram, we fell in love with his style immediately! Bonus that he speaks English and Chinese so it makes it easier to communicate! He is super friendly and warm so he made us feel at ease and trust him very quickly. We can get pretty awkward in front of cameras but he taught us what to do and how to pose so I had a lot of fun the whole day. Though we had 3 locations to cover, he would let us check the photos and help us to achieve any specific shots we wanted. During the shoot, I felt unwell and he kindly got me a warm drink and made sure I felt better. The results turned out great! Turnaround time is also really fast and we would definitely go back to him next time for other shoots! Highly recommended :)

See Ann Soo


I found out about Daniel’s work through IG and I was super excited to engage him for our pre-wedding photoshoot because I love his style of photography- capturing the candid shots of people having fun and in love together with amazing backdrops of Tokyo. My partner is from Tokyo and myself, Malaysian and we were thrilled when Daniel agreed to shoot at my partners hometown. When my partner and I met Daniel, we were amazed by how hard working he is despite having to take photos of couples almost everyday! We loved his energy, his patience, his flexibility and his humbleness. He really tries his best to capture the perfect moment in pictures and he is super helpful in directing us where to stand and where to look so will not feel awkward. He made me and my partner warm up quickly during the photoshoot just by telling us to be ourselves, have fun, crack jokes at each other while walking along the streets of busy Tokyo. The result of his work just blew our minds. I am so pleased with the photos and I am having a hard time choosing my favourite ones to show on our wedding day! I highly recommend fellow Malaysian photographer Daniel, and I will definitely come back to shoot with you again!

Chau Phan


Daniel is such an amazing photographer. He is very friendly and super professional especially he loves children. We were not only taking photos but also having fun during photoshoot . Our family have such a great time with him and all three of my kids like him a lot. After all, everything is more than we expected. If you got chance to visit Japan and want to keep your sweet memories here, I highly recommend Daniel !!! We love our photo so so much Daniel, thanks!



We highly recommend Daniel! He’s great with the kids and the photos were amazing. Definitely not easy to shoot with 2 young children, we are so grateful for the beautiful moments he captured for our family. He is a must call every time we go back to Japan. Thanks Daniel!

Kok Seng Lim


I was looking for a local photographer who was creative and open to capture the moments of my marriage proposal and Yew Kong's Instagram feed came by very prominently that I could relate to. During the photoshoot, he also made sure that both my girlfriend and I were relaxed and always ready to take candid shots that we requested for. In the end when the photos arrive, we were pleasantly surprised by the effort to detail and the turnaround time as well. I would highly recommend Yew Kong to my friends who are looking for a local Tokyo photographer to bring them around.



Great photographer! Takes his time to make sure that great shots are taken and knows the city very well. Very friendly, professional, and personable. A vehicle was included in our package which was great as well. I would highly recommend him as a wedding photographer.

Che Yen


Daniel is a very professional photographer. He tried his best to make us smile naturally and manage to capture the best moment. Great photographer with professional service!! Two thumbs up! :)

Adrian and Lai Mun


Yew Kong has provided Lai Mun and I an unforgettable pre-wedding photo shoot experience. Even though the schedule was tight due to having 4 different locations with limited daylight in the winter season, Yew Kong was always patient and made sure we took enough quality shots before moving onto the next location. He was always concerned with our well-being under the chilly weather despite the tight schedule, and we felt very comfortable and assured with his presence. We are also very happy with the quality of the photo shoot outcome, with Yew Kong doing what he does best, capturing key angles and lightings. I highly recommend any couple to engage Yew Kong to be their photographer as quality is assured with top notch customer service.

Angelina & KJ


We had an amazing time working with Daniel. Despite having a tight schedule of having 3 different shoots at 3 different locations, Daniel does not compromise on the quality of his work and ensures that he capture all our best moments, all these while encouraging us to smile and teaching us how to pose. A highly recommended professional photographer. If you want your photos to be taken in Japan, Daniel is the guy to go to!



Yew Kong was simply amazing! Rest assured that he is super professional, ready to answer any queries at a moment's notice, and ensuring that he delivers what was promised. My fiance and I started out nervous and unsure about what to expect but his friendly disposition put us at ease immediately. He is extremely efficient in getting his shots right, capturing the perfect moments, all while giving us nonstop encouragers with a huge smile on his face. He was so cheery and energetic throughout the entire 8 hours we were with him, and his enthusiasm was so infectious it naturally made us smile and laugh (which was especially great for the photos!) You can truly see his passion and love for his work behind the lens, which was really inspiring to me. Recommended him to all my family and friends!

Sara Wong

London, UK

We're deeply appreciate Daniel took lots of stunning pictures for our special 10th wedding anniversary. It's the 2nd albums from him and I planned to book next photo shooting with my best friend and her family when they come to visit us in July.

Jennifer M

New York, USA

Daniel was so great to work with. Very responsive and professional. I am American and live in NYC but the communication was very smooth and easy. I had a very clear vision of what I wanted and he totally nailed it. He has really positive energy and me and my husband enjoyed our photoshoot very much! Thank you so much for the incredible photos! We cherish them.

Chow Jee Peng

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Daniel, super friendly and professional photographer based in Tokyo, Japan. I was surprised by his multilingual, Mandarin, Japanese, English and Cantonese! I was really impressed by his swift delivery and yet top quality materials. Love his framing and every details that Daniel captured. Really happy having photo shoot with him, he is funny and really a good icebreaker, he would never make me nervous, awkward and uncomfortable even shooting in the most busy crossing in the world, the Shibuya crossing. Daniel is super familiar with all the beautiful places and hidden corners in Tokyo. Really appreciated Daniel's work he's worth every penny. I would recommend Daniel to everyone who is going to have their pre-wedding, engagement or propose photo shoot in Tokyo, even is you are traveling with friend & family or even alone, and you want to keep the precious moment with the amazing backdrop of the great city of Tokyo or Kyoto or any cities in Japan, you may also look for Daniel to capture it beautifully for you, don't bother carry heavy equipments with you while traveling just enjoy it, leave your selfie stick and tripod at home!



Daniel was a pleasure to work with and we are so happy with our photographs. He captured beautiful shots of our family and friends and has a great eye for detail and capturing memorable moments. It was also great that he could speak English and Japanese since our wedding party was a mixture of both.

© YEWKONG Photography. All rights reserved.

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